
Oskol perfect lean protection for Windows Surface and one for iPad Pro

Here you will find manuals that will help you take full advantage of your IRISBOND eye-tracker. All you need to do is download the right one. Though we release new products, we maintain the information of our products that are already on the market.

At IRISBOND we are conscious of the environment, and we always want our information to be directly accessible to our clients. This is why we offer the manuals and our product apps in a digital format so that you can comfortably download and read them. This way, we reduce the excessive consumption of paper.

In the manuals and user guides, you will find information on how to connect, install and set up. How you should position the device and calibrate your gaze. What software they can be used with, how to install and update them, among other things. All the information is exceptionally detailed.

May we remind you that there is also a YouTube channel where you can find plenty of information about the IRISBOND eye-tracking system, the applications, use cases, product descriptions,
unboxings, and much more. All you have to do is click Here.

And if you don’t find the information you need or you want to ask us something specifically, you can always reach out via our Contact page. We will reply immediately.

IRISBOND Hiru | Full User Manual

Download the complete user manual including Hiru eye tracker information, the compatibilites,  CE & MDR certifications and technical specifications

IRISBOND Hiru | User Manual

IRISBOND Hiru | iPadOS Manuals

Hiru is compatible with the latest versions of iPad Pro 12.9″ 5th and 6th generation as well as iPad Pro 11″ 3rd and 4th generations. Download iPadOS related manuals, including: The quick start guide and How to update Hiru in iPadOS.

IRISBOND Hiru | How to get started: iPadOS

IRISBOND Hiru | Quick Start Guide: iPadOS

IRISBOND Hiru | How to update Hiru in iPadOS

IRISBOND Hiru | How to start in Predictable

IRISBOND Hiru | Windows Manuals

Download Windows related manuals, including: The quick start guide, How to update Hiru in Windows and Windows Eye Contro Microsot HID Manual.

IRISBOND Hiru | Quick Start Guide: Windows

IRISBOND Hiru | How to update Hiru in Windows

IRISBOND Hiru | Eye Control Microsoft HID Protocol

Other manuals | EasyClick and DUO

Download Easyclick and DUO related manuals.

EasyClick User


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